Dear LGBTQ+ Survivors

Dear LGBTQ+ survivors, 

We love you. Not in that “hate the sin, love the sinner” way. We love you fully and completely as you are. 

Many of us have believed and said harmful things in the past, and for that we ask your forgiveness. While we have always emphasized that we support all CFC survivors, we realize that we have not been explicit with our LGBTQ+ allyship, and we want to remove all doubt now. We want you to know that we are a safe space for LGBTQ+ survivors and we value your stories and your partnership as we learn and grow. We are proud to stand alongside our LGBTQ+ survivors and support you as we all heal from our experiences at CFC. 

We plan to share resources and publish educational content for LGBTQ+ survivors of abuse at CFC. We will also intentionally create safe spaces to elevate LGBTQ+ voices and listen carefully to their experiences and needs. LGBTQ+ survivors have faced many unique and specific abuses at the hands of misguided spiritual leaders, and therefore it is important to address those abuses in equally specific ways.

CFC has participated in many harmful practices toward the LGBTQ+ community and we want to be clear about our stance on those practices and teachings.

  1. We recognize that gender identity and sexual orientation are not a choice, and we affirm and celebrate you in your identity.

  2. You are not possessed by gay demons. Conversion therapy and the many ugly forms it takes are always wrong. There is nothing to fix, convert, cast out, or pray away about you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made as you are. 

  3. You are not unworthy. We affirm and celebrate God’s goodness and image in you as you are.

  4. You belong. You belong in our families, you belong in our churches, you belong in our lives, you belong in this world. 

  5. You do not have to hide who you are to make others feel more at ease in your presence. It is not your job to make other people comfortable. It is your job to exist as you are, and love, and be loved.

We do not tolerate bigotry/homophobia/transphobia in our comment sections. This is a safe space for all survivors, and we recognize that many of them are a part of the LGBTQ+ community.


Why we CARE


Emotions & Abuse: Part 3