I am sorry

The following is a guest post from a former CFC pastor.

In March of 2020, our family entered one of the worst experiences of our lives. Without warning, our 10-year relationship with Rick Sinclair and Christian Fellowship Center suddenly became unmanageable. We tried for months to resolve the situation, to listen and apologize, only to be betrayed and lied to. We were then publicly marked by Rick and forced to leave. Despite feeling very broken and shattered God has been healing and reestablishing us. We are so grateful that we are out of a church that we now see has all the signs of a cult.

As I have looked back over the last few years and seen the suffering that has resulted from the extremism at CFC, I need to say that I am sorry for staying silent about what my family went through. My goal was to keep my heart open to any wrongdoing on my part and let God expose what needed to be exposed in others. I now see that I was wrong because that was not fair to those of you who have faced the same things and wondered if you were alone.

What breaks my heart the most is that from 2015—2020 I was an elder and then a pastor within CFC. A few people came to me during those years and expressed concerns, but I couldn’t hear their cries of pain because I was blinded by Rick and the other leaders’ manipulation.

I wish I could find words to express my family's pain and suffering as we attempted to sort through the tsunami of confusion that we suddenly were forced to navigate. Seeing the heartbreak of 30+ innocent kids suddenly kicked out of CFA because I was the pastor of their families revealed the irrationality that was at work. Unfortunately, my pain has recently intensified as I have realized the number of people that suffered during the years that I was a leader at CFC. 

So I want to say this: I am sorry for those of you that suffered during those years and years before! 

If you were lied to in front of other leaders, I understand and I am sorry. 

If you asked questions and were denied answers, I understand and I am sorry.

If you expressed your heart or answered questions only to have your words twisted and used against you, I understand and I am sorry. 

If you were yelled at and judged by Daniel or any of the leaders in the name of “prophecy,” I understand and I am sorry.

If you appealed to other CFC elders to intervene and bring clarity to the confusion promoted by Rick but none of these men were willing to step in and bring resolution. I understand and I am sorry. I experienced all of these things and more.

People have been reaching out and asking questions and I urge you to do so as well. I would be honored to hear from you and apologize to you face to face. The Truth sets free! Verbalizing your pain to an understanding heart is a good step toward embodying Truth. I will gladly keep you anonymous and protect your vulnerability if you choose to share with me.

Any form of abuse is not ok and I am sorry for what you experienced. While many details and situations were kept from me while in leadership, I am still sorry for what you went through. The body of Christ has been crucified afresh: I held the nails and cried “give us Barabbas” as the innocent and voiceless suffered! Guilty by association, I look forward to asking your forgiveness. 

“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40

If you would like contact the author, please email info@cfctoo.com and we’ll pass along your message.


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