News Conference: James’ Statement

The following statement was delivered at the CFCtoo news conference on October 21, 2022.

To become a Unitarian Universalist minister I was given extensive training in the ethics of my vocation. It was always stressed the importance of knowing your role and notifying others when issues arise. Abuse should never be kept secret because it is likely to happen again. As a former chaplain to youth in the Mountain Desert District of the Unitarian Universalist Association I trained other chaplains and taught them that we are all mandatory reporters regardless of the state’s reporting laws. I was surprised to find out that New York did not mandate clergy to report abuse and criminal sexual conduct. 

Clergy are called to be a pastoral presence and to journey with people during their trials and tribulations. We also need to know the limits of our calling and work with other professionals to stop harm. Therefore, I support the CARE Act to make clergy mandated reporters of abuse.

The Rev. James Galasinski has served the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton, NY since 2016. Before that he served congregations in New Mexico and Wisconsin. He holds a master of divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School.


Broken Arrows: Abuse is not love


News Conference: Judy’s Statement