9 Questions to Ask about Prophetic Presbytery

They finally trapped me into a meeting before I was allowed to attend Presbytery. My own father had reached out to them, asking if I was allowed to attend despite the fact it was open to the public. I still wonder if he wanted to avoid a scene and was worried they were going to publicly ask me to leave, but CFC leadership used his inquiry as another opportunity to corner me. 

-Wren’s Story 

Every year, Christian Fellowship Center holds a series of prophetic presbytery meetings. The church advertises the presbytery meetings as “a time for the whole church to gather together with recognized prophets to seek the Lord and to invest in the members of the local church through prayer, prophecy, and the laying on of hands.” CFC members interested in receiving a prophetic word must apply and go through a preparation process if they are selected

CFC encourages people to test the prophetic words against scripture and discuss them with pastors. Asking questions is an important part of this process, and to that end, we suggest that you also ask the following questions: 

  1. Beyond church membership and a qualifying life transition, what factors do you consider when you select people for prophetic ministry?

  2. How many people generally apply and how many are selected from each church location?

  3. Can people be banned from attending presbytery?

  4. Can someone’s presbytery spot be revoked? 

  5. How do you select the professional prophets who come to minister? What background checks do they undergo? 

  6. How much do you pay the prophets?

  7. Do the prophets stay with a pastor’s family?

  8. Do the prophets discuss the people receiving ministry with the pastors? 

  9. What happens when a prophet delivers a word that is clearly wrong? (For example, mistaking a boy’s mother for his wife.)

Listen carefully to the answers that your pastors give to these questions. What do they say and what do they not say? How do they justify their choices?


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