Rift: A Memoir of Breaking Away from Christian Patriarchy
I was told I was set apart, holy. A child of the covenant, I belonged in the family of God. This was taught to me from infancy, in the words of the baptism, in the water that signified and sealed me into the hands of the everlasting.

The Quiverfull Families Next Door: Part 4
Because Quiverfull communities like CFC preach patriarchy as the only biblical framework, individuals who challenge the gender hierarchy must be labeled rebellious and sinful.

You Are the Author of Your Story
When I first left, I didn’t tell many people about my past or background. I wanted to put it all behind me and move on with my life now that I had my freedom. But I had experienced so much disempowerment that I was struggling to move on. I slowly began writing down my story, and I discovered great healing in the process of putting my experience into words.

The Quiverfull Families Next Door: Part 2
For all the Quiverfull movement’s claims about children being blessings, it is fundamentally not about the children. Instead, Quiverfull ideology uses children as a tool or weapon. Quiverfull families see children as extensions of the family, weapons in the culture war, and a means to an end, rather than as autonomous people.

The Quiverfull Families Next Door: Part 1
In addition to valuing pronatalism, homeschooling, and gender hierarchy, many Quiverfull families also view the world through a dominionist lens, placing great emphasis on “filling the earth and subduing it.”

Broken Arrows: Our Bodies
When parents deny children basic human rights of bodily autonomy, agency, and privacy, their children learn that their bodies are not their own but always under the authority of someone else. The practice of deliberately humiliating and breaking a child’s spirit lays harmful groundwork for their future relationships as adults, teaching them that love means submitting to abusers who claim authority over their bodies.

Broken Arrows: High Control Religious Communities and Abuse
The Broken Arrows series names and identifies the layers of harm contained in CFC’s approach to child training. This type of child training sets children up for abuse by teaching them erroneous beliefs about themselves and their place in the world.

No, you’re not crazy
Abusive churches excel at gaslighting people. They taught you to distrust your own body, your own emotions, and your own sense of reality.

An Open Letter to CFC Members
We write to you as former members of Christian Fellowship Center. Some of us left recently. Some of us left years ago.
We are survivors of abuse at Christian Fellowship Center. We have experienced spiritual, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse at the hands of CFC leaders and members.