Broken Arrows: Our Emotions
CFC too CFC too

Broken Arrows: Our Emotions

By “othering” personal thoughts, CFC trains children and adults to be constantly at odds with themselves in a state of passive indecision that looks for outside direction. CFC leadership then offers church-approved philosophies, practices, and opinions as though they are God-ordained truth, keeping members trapped in the vicious codependence of high-control authoritarian communities.

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Broken Arrows: Obedience
CFC too CFC too

Broken Arrows: Obedience

Training children to respond to instructions with nothing but immediate and cheerful obedience (under threat of physical and emotional harm) leaves no room for a child to question whether the instructed activity is safe for them. ⁠

Training children to obey adults without questioning the why behind the command prepares them to do the same with any authority figure in the future.⁠

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It’s not that bad
CFC too CFC too

It’s not that bad

When there are child abusers in your midst and the leaders fail to report them, they have basically decided where this sin lands on the spectrum of sinfulness is “not that bad” and have decided to keep their actions and identity secret.

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An Open Letter to CFC Members
CFC too CFC too

An Open Letter to CFC Members

We write to you as former members of Christian Fellowship Center. Some of us left recently. Some of us left years ago.

We are survivors of abuse at Christian Fellowship Center. We have experienced spiritual, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse at the hands of CFC leaders and members.

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