Leaving Well
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Leaving Well

Leaving a church is not a decision most Christians take lightly. It is especially difficult where intergenerational friendships have taken shape, discipleship, marriages, births, baptisms, and deaths have stitched a fabric which you were convinced kept you warm. This fabric has been a comfort. A barrier to outside elements threatening your safety and security. You feel safe. 

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Is this biblical?
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Is this biblical?

Christians often use the word “biblical” to indicate that our approach to an issue is a simple outworking of scripture. While there are absolutes in the Christian faith, most of the time this use of the adjective is deeply problematic.

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The upside of nepotism?
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The upside of nepotism?

I know of no clearer way to state my thesis about familial privilege in the church than this: Nepotism is the way of kings, not servants. It is of the world, and sows worldly weeds among the seeds God is planting.

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